Fun With Grandma
What a wonderful July we've had with Grandma visiting! After the hubbub of camping and being sick died down, I went back to work for the weekend.
Zane and Mom and Michael had a great time at the Aquarium where the octopus was actually out moving around with all of her suckers on display against the window! Sunday before I went to work we went out to breakfast and the Farmer's Market, which is always a good time. Zane and I dropped Mom off in Mukilteo for a Kayak trip. Then we were back to our regular routine at home. We had a wonderful morning at the beach one day, and super fun time swimming at the Mountlake Terrace pool on another afternoon. Zane got in some quality time with JoJo; he quietly played with cards while she relaxed nearby (a rarity).
The next weekend we had a surprise visitor: Brady down from Alaska with a broken arm! He was on his way home to get it fixed up. He joined Mom and I with Sabina to go see the last Harry Potter movie; it was a great finale! Then an afternoon BBQ at Sabina's house which is always a lot of fun. Sunday afternoon Michael and Zane went to the zoo while I dropped Mom off in Everett for a sleepover with a friend.
Tuesday we played hooky from Story Time and instead took Zane for his first mall adventure! Mom was getting a make-up consultation, and Zane was completely entranced by all of the colorful stuff on display. He's really interested in my own eye shadow, and seeing thousands of different colors of make-up just about blew his little mind. He wanted it all. Zane and I headed off into Nordstrom's and Macy's up and down many exciting escalators, and Zane picked out his very first underwear! He was pretty excited. I tried to steer him to Thomas the Tank Engine, but he insisted on Spider Man, which is interesting since he doesn't know anything about either! I thought he'd like the trains. But no, he insisted "I buy that". When we were done he said thank you to the cashier and I think made her day. We went back and forth between the escalators and the cosmetics department (watching the lady put make up on Mom) until Mom was done, and all and all it was a great outing.
Our trip made an impression on Zane. A few days later Zane had a soft thing in his hands and asked me to take off my glasses. He said he had eye shadow and very carefully rubbed it on my eyelids and cheeks. I said "How do I look?" and he said "Pretty!" He also has loved his wonderwear and has been wearing it with nothing or on top of his diapers. We're nowhere near potty training, but it's fun to start making baby steps!
Wednesday we tried swimming again and it was fun, but not as awesome as last time. Zane always loves his bath, though!Saturday was a nice relaxing day of going to the gym, out for walks, and gardening. Zane got a little too relaxed while watching the Jungle Book. Michael says he's practicing for his teenaged slacker years.
This weekend Michael and I thought we ought to get a date night in before my Mom leaves on Tuesday. Saturday night we went out for dinner and had a hotel room reserved downtown in Seattle. We didn't realize that the big Seafair Torchlight parade was happening that night! We actually had a great view from our hotel room, and while it was kind of interesting for a bit, it just reinforced our opinion that it's not worth the big deal most people make of it. It was so nice to have some adult time. Zane and Mom did great at home for their overnight, although Zane was a little confused when he woke up. We were home in time for me to put Zane down for his nap.
While I always think our life is pretty interesting, there really isn't that much to write about every week. From now on I'm going to try to get a blog post in twice a month. Hopefully it will work!
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