It's Wintertime!
It was a little strange reading all of the books at Christmas time with snow in them since we live in such a snow-free area. Today we finally got snow in Ballard! Zane was outside saying, "It's wintertime!" There has been snow in various places since Saturday, but today (Wednesday) is finally our day. Luckily it wasn't my weekend to work, and with the MLK holiday in there I haven't had to be anywhere.
Tomorrow we go back to daycare and work, and the snow is suppose to have turned to rain. We'll see.
The snow was still coming down and blowing sideways, but I was afraid if we waited until later it might turn to rain. I bundled Zane up in lots of pants and socks and shirts, found his winter boots from last year (which still barely fit), and bundled us up. Zane was very excited to get pulled around in the sled and was almost bouncing off the walls. We spent about 45 minutes outside with me pulling Zane around up and down the sidewalks. For some reason he kept chanting "Miles and miles and miles..." as I trudged along. I accidentally dumped him out of the sled a few times which was not well received, but otherwise he seemed totally fine. I finally had to make him come inside to get warm. He kept saying "One more time", and threw a squirm fit when I made him come in.
But then we got to have the snow day reward of hot Ovaltine milk and warmed up brownies! I threw all of our wet stuff in the dryer in case we went out again, and we had a wonderful snack while watching the birds at the suet feeder on the porch. After our long break Zane decided to stay in and watch a new kids nature video instead of going back out. I was pretty pleased with that as I was still cold! After nap time it will be getting dark already, but we have a date to go next door and play with a grandmotherly neighbor. As long as the commute is good tomorrow, I'll be well pleased with our wintery break!Now I can look forward to spring (maybe). I few days ago we picked up a broken branch from a tulip tree, and thought I'd bring it in to see what it would do. During a sun break yesterday it looked particularly lovely in a stark way.
Zane has had a growth spurt during the last couple of weeks. Some shirts are starting to be too short in the arms, but his pants look about the same, so I think he bulked up a little more than he grew up. Maybe that will happen next week. His paper diapers are all of a sudden too small, too, so I got the next size up. His everyday gDiapers still rock, though! Those are the best.
I keep hoping for toilet training in our future. Zane likes his new ladder potty, but lately when I put him on it he complains that the seat is cold. Our bathroom is often very cold as we have no ventilation and keep the windows in the master bedroom/bathroom open for several hours a day. I can't blame him for clamping up when I bribe him onto the potty! I guess spring weather will be better for this. Meanwhile, I can dream!
Wintertime!!! I'm glad Mom got a lot of exercise pulling you in the snow Zane; next time you need to get Daddy to help you and give Mom a ride! Did you make a snow angel? We have snow in Maine too. Your Wintertime will turn to Springtime much earlier, maybe in a month, but I have to wait 3 months.
Love that stylin' sock monkey hat!
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