Summer kickoff
Today finally feels like summer. We frolicked in the sun and had a cookout in the backyard. We actually had on shorts and sunscreen! For the sad springs and summers we've had lately, this seems miraculous. Even though it has been overcast, at least we haven't had days and days of rain like last year. Zane has been enjoying hanging out on the back porch getting fresh air and listening to the birds. He has also all of a sudden gotten a great urge to "work" in the garden. He loves to dig dig dig in areas I've weeded. He digs holes, moves dirt around, makes lakes with the hose, mud pies, and "highscrapers" for the bugs and flies in the garden. When I'm ready to quit for lunch or nap time, he tells me I have to keep working. Such a taskmaster. I love the fact that I am actually able to get some gardening done while he's busy. Our yard has been such a disaster for the last three years, and now I feel like there's hope I may neaten it up again.
I can't believe it, but Zane is almost 3! With my procrastination/busy record lately, my next post will probably be after his birthday on August 15th. His hair is already getting long from his first cut, and I think some of his pants are finally starting to look a bit short. He's still a lean mean machine, but when I watch him subsist on fruit and then run around all day like a crazy man, I think I know why. He's better and better at letter recognition, and can sometimes point out specific words in a book. Once he even recognized the word gum when I spelled it out to Michael! Mostly I think he's remembering individual things rather than assimilating the concept of reading, but still, I get excited about the prospect of reading coming in the future.
We've had a bit of a preschool saga, but now we seem to be all settled. A new Montessori school was built last summer just around the corner from our house. I contacted the owner and she said she would let me know when they started their waiting list. And then she forgot! When I next contacted her she said the school was full for Fall 2012. Because I thought we had a deal, I hadn't lined up another school, and in Seattle most have wait lists. I negotiated a #1 spot on the wait list for the Montessori school, and then Zane and I went on three preschool tours around town. I had settled on one when the Montessori school found they had a spot for us. It's more expensive than the regular preschools, but I love that it is literally in our neighborhood and Zane will be going to school with kids who live across the street from us. Also, there is only one tuition (full time), so since I'm paying for it, I'll have Zane go a little extra so I can go back to the gym. In May my long-time gym cancelled their child-care program so I haven't worked out since the end of April. I feel like a stiff old weakling. I'm looking forward to our new routine of school and the gym, although I'll have to adjust to a little less Zane in my life. Which is sad for me. The gym will be good. I've been sick a lot this spring, and I partly blame my lack of exercise.
Some stories.
One night at dinner, Zane told me a story.
Before he was Zane, a long, long time ago, he was a man who painted houses. He painted them yellow and blue. He had a yellow rental car, but he didn't give it back. He left his paint brushes and bucket far, far away and someday will go back and get them. Then, before he was Zane, he was also a woman.

Now I have to think of something interesting to do for Zane's birthday! I'm thinking just burgers and cupcakes in the back yard. Maybe I can pull off some sort of theme.
What a handsome party boy! What was in the gift?
It was a kit to make a jewelry box with paint and glitter glue and big sparkles. Zane wanted one, too, so I got him some glitter glue at the store later.
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