Welcome, 2013!

On Christmas Eve day Zane came down with quite a fever. He slept twelve hours the night before and woke up at about 100 degrees. He had quite a low key day and a long nap, but was luckily starting to feel better in the afternoon. It would have been a bummer to be out of commission on Christmas! Finally I said we could demolish the gingerbread house. This was a highly popular event. All the sugar stuff in the house this Christmas has helped me learn to relax about it a bit with Zane. I have rarely seen him eat much. He really wants it, but it can take him three days to finish a good sized cookie. He seems to have some pretty good self-regulation. At bed time we got cookies and cider out for Santa, and peas and carrots for the reindeer. Zane was not quite old enough to be too excited to sleep, which was good for us!

In the afternoon we headed to Zane's Grandpa's house to visit with the Gibson clan. We gave the cousins a bunch of cool presents which went over well, and Zane opened a couple more from us as well.
The day after Christmas was a bit of a letdown for Zane. I think he had a bit of Post-Christmas depression. He was lying on the floor looking at the tree, and he said in a small voice, "When will the next special day be?" It was a bit sad. I think he was still feeling under the weather, too. In fact, I would say he was sick with the same mysterious thing for just about all of vacation. He would seem fine for an afternoon, and then be very tired again the next morning. Unfortunately, at the very end of vacation he got his first ever sore throat along with a deep barking cough, and that kept him from a long awaited play date with a friend. That was very disappointing for all of us, because Michael an I had planned to see a movie! Oh well, c'est la vie. Zane did get a few visits with friends earlier in the vacation, though, so he wasn't totally lonely. I also took him on an outing to the Science Center and the Aquarium. He went to the Zoo with Michael.
I also got to go out! I went to see the King Tut exhibit at the Science Museum before it left, and I also got to see the Hobbit on the day Zane was too sick to see his friend. It was very exciting for me to go out!
The weekend after Christmas Zane helped me take down the tree. It was really dry since we got it pretty early this year. I thought Zane would be sad about taking it down, be he really got into it! Unfortunately he tumbled head over heels down the stairs while backing up to take lights off the tree. Luckily he wasn't hurt too badly, but it was plenty scary. Now that the tree is gone our living room seems huge, and I feel guilty that I ever complained we don't have much space.
We've been having a pretty extra soggy winter, but New Year's day was clear as a bell, and cold enough so that the sun sparkled on frost in the morning. I had hoped it was a portent, but now we are back to sogginess.

I hope you all have a wonderful 2013!
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