Monday, January 28, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Pink Hooray Birthday
My 4oth (!!!!) birthday is coming up, and I was just on eVite creating a, well, eVite. I was searching the design gallery and typed in the word "bhangra." eVite said " Did you mean: pink hooray birthday, pink hearts?" Why, no! But what a nice suggestion.
I've been fairly blogless. Life has just been puddling along without much to say. The Bewick's wrens who nested in my yard last year are back checking things out. I'm thinking it would be cool to install a wireless infrared camera in the nest box, but I may not have the $$ to do that before they move in. It would be cool, though!
I have too many projects ...
Friday, January 18, 2008
It's Done! It's Done! It's Done!
Monday, January 7, 2008
Miscellaneous Maine
Here are some miscellaneous things from our visit to Maine.
Michael tried to eat my nephew Julian. Luckily Julian was wearing his new National Geographic watch and binoculars, and he was saved.Ian beat his Dad, Aaron, at Monopoly with the help of a team of advisers.
No vacation is complete with out substitute pets while we are away from our Bijou and JoJo. In Harpswell we had spazzy Scout, and in Camden bloated Manuel and Polly (not shown).
We stopped by The Maine Dog in Camden to visit the Flemish Giant rabbit who lives in the store window. This is a Big Bunny. He's about 3 times as big as JoJo.
There was much rejoicing in Maine while we were there. Of course, I like to think it was because we were there, but probably not. Not entirely, anyway!
December 31st was my nephew Ian's 6th birthday! Wow! I feel like he's no longer a little boy, he's a regular kid. A regular spazz! Ian could eclipse Maine Yankee in energy output.
We also did some Christmas presents all around since Michael and I had come in to town. Here my other Maine nephew, Julian, helps Michael with one of his presents.
After we did Christmas and celebrated Ian's birthday, Michael and I, my Mom, and my Dad headed to Belfast for a New Year's Eve dance played by the Hep Cats. I got all dressed up, fully knowing that only a few other people might be dressed up; I even wore my new petticoat. I must be city-fied, because I was really surprised to find that no one else dressed up. There had been a lot of snow recently, and every one else was in jeans, warm shirts, and practical muddy boots. I wore boots, too, I'm not crazy, but I did change into dance shoes. The floor was slick with mud. I'm used to dance floors being wet, but it's always beer, which is nice and sticky. The mud on linoleum was pretty slick. I had a great time anyway, and many people told me they really liked my dress and the fact that I dressed up. We all had a great time dancing; here I am with my Daddy!
New Year's Day Michael and I saw my long-time friend Ann and her husband Jon. We had a great lunch at Cappy's Chowder House, and then we had to go our separate ways. Too short a visit! Someday I hope we can have a long one.
Then my Aunt and some cousins from my Mom's side of the family came over for a New Year's Day get together. It's always great to see you all! Not many people made it this year as have in past years, partly due to another snow storm which was already dumping snow.
I really prefer to visit Maine in the summah, but if I have to go in the winter, it might as well
snow! While we were there, we had two beautiful snow falls, both nicely scheduled to not interfere with our travel plans.
The first snow started on the evening of the 30th while we were snugged up in Harpswell with my Dad, my stepmom Becky, my brother Brady, and the cat Scout. It was still a snowy winter wonderland when we woke up. I shoveled and snowshoed, and then the sun came out for even more beauty.
To cap it all off, when were set to leave for Camden, I saw an owl fly onto a branch in the yard. He was very big! He stayed for about 10 minutes while the Henderson-Gibson-Williams paparazzi snapped many photos. This owl was pretty big -- maybe the size of a raccoon. I'm thinking he might be a Barred Owl. A recent blog post here says, "The widespread reports of Barred Owls being seen in the daylight hours in
On New Year's Day in Camden, we had another pretty snow storm which started at about 2pm. We went for a nice long walk around Chestnut and Bayview Streets in Camden. It was absolutely beautiful, and I'm really glad I didn't have to drive anywhere. This ivied lamp post is at my brother's house, where we were staying.
The Pain of a New Year
Back from vacation! We had a great time, but it is definitely good to be back. I hadn't exercised for 2 weeks, so going back to the gym today was a pleasure, but I'm pretty sure I'll be waking up tomorrow to pain. Oh well. Such is the price of sloth.
And today I crossed a major milestone and rite of passage: my first mammogram! Ygh. Actually, it wasn't as bad as I imagined it would be, so that's OK.
As I go through my pictures and such, I'll blog a bit about my vacation in Maine.