Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

This was Zane's first Easter that he could have fun with. It took a bit of prompting, but he "found" some eggs. At first he was much more interested in playing with his new garbage truck. Later on we played with them some more, hiding eggs within eggs or other things in the eggs and finding them again.

Brady came for a short visit on the first nice day of the year. Zane and I had the day off since daycare was closed, so we got to have a lot of fabulous outdoor time. We played with sand, ran on the sidewalk, went for a long walk with Brady and then a bike ride to the beach. At the beach we threw stones in the water, touched puppies, saw ducks and sail surfers and a train. With the nice weather we're starting to reconnect with our neighbors, too, which is nice. Zane had fun with his Uncle Brady.

This week Zane got a fabulous new garbage truck, bringing his garbage truck collection to three. He has so many trucks I decided to even things out a bit with two dolls. One is an anatomically correct little boy who comes with a potty; it's funny that he has genitals and an anus, but no nipples. I also got a girl doll with zippers and buttons and snaps and the like for dressing practice.

The cut continues to heal nicely and seems to be getting shallower. These days I'm rubbing four different unguents on Zane for various ailments: Maderma on the cut for less of a scar, hydrocortisol on the hands for a tenacious itchy rash, athlete's foot creme on the back of his knees for a different tenacious rash I suspect to be a yeast infection like the one he had in his crotch a while back, and diaper cream to keep the jock itch from coming back. Sometimes I get the tubes mixed up, but it hasn't killed him yet.

Here's an Easter blast from the past.


Global Grandma said...

Did Mama sing "Rabbit Foo Foo" to you Zane? Maybe you are too young for the bopping them on the head part.....

I LOVE your colorful Easter outfit, very handsome and appropriate for the pagen rite of gathering colorful eggs. I am impressed with all the words you know, you must have some good teachers there!

Love and hugs
Grandma Diann

Global Grandma said...

I think Mama Julia, that you had a whole lot more time when you made that Easter video, yes? Can you imagine sneaking out the time to do that now?

Julia Pequlia said...

Hah ha! No more time for big creative projects until Zane can help. Or until Grandma comes and takes him out for some fun!

Global Grandma said...

Zane is your biggest creative project ever I think!