Adventures, Adventures, Adventures!
We've been having a gorgeous summer in Seattle. Dry and warm and only occasionally hot. The garden would like a little more water, but we help it along.
After our trip to Maine we started off with a bang: Crazy Hair Day at school! Originally I wasn't going to have Zane go to school the day after we got home, but Crazy Hair Day and two birthday celebrations was too much to miss. Michael picked up some hair gel for us, and I made some awesome spikes. I personally think Zane had the best and craziest hair!
He wanted to have crazy hair again, so when we went to the Fremont Solstice Parade the following Saturday I brought along the tube of gel and spiked him up once we got there. We rode my bike down on the hot, hot day, and lucked out on a shady spot to watch the parade. This is the first year I brought Zane down, and he really liked it. We got there too late to see the naked bicyclists. Maybe next year! As we were walking back to my bike many people complimented him on his hair. "Nice spikes, Dude!" He really got a kick out of that.
The next weekend's adventure was a Sunday matinee performance for kids at Teatro ZinZanni! Teatro is in Seattle in an old spiegeltent of wood and canvas. The performances are non-animal and contain music, comedy, and acrobatics. For this one the kids could all sit right up front in a huge mosh pit. I loved watching Zane's face as he saw a young girl swirl and do acrobatics in the air on silver hoops, a man wind himself up and down on a rope, pirates, genies, live music, glitter from the ceiling .... He loved it enough that I may try to bring him to something more full length at Teatro, or maybe Cirque du Soleil next summer. There are a lot of circus-arts classes in Seattle, too, which we can try when he's a bit older.
During this time we had a little bit of a set-back with soccer. During the last month or so, Zane has sometimes been feeling very shy and not very confident. We began the new soccer season with a bit of woe, as we thought we had the same coach as last session, and when we realized we needed to move to a different coach's class, Zane had a big breakdown and much sadness. It took us until about the third Saturday to break out of the cycle of sadness and needing to run back to me for hugs all through soccer. It helped tremendously that his friends and neighbors Caz and Henry joined his class. Now Zane is doing his best ever. He'll surely move up to the next level for the fall sessions.
Since the weather has been so nice, we decided to get his little blow up pool out. Alas, it lasted a few years but it would no longer stay inflated. I went to the store to get another, but I couldn't find just a simple pool. So I came home with a combo pool/slip 'n' slide/sprinkler! It's been a big hit. The plastic seems a bit sturdier than the previous one, too, so hopefully we'll get a few more years out of it.

Zane had been asking about how things are made, so we had been reading books about metal, plastic, glass, and paper. I told him about glass blowing and decided to see if I could find some. A studio in downtown Seattle has a fairly continuously used studio that the public are welcome to visit. With Zane's friend Evelyn and her Mom and sister, we set off on a downtown adventure to see glass blowing and the big downtown library. The glass studio was very cool. While we didn't actually see glass blowing, we did see lots of glass shaping and glass blobs going in and out of red hot furnaces. The kids also really enjoyed seeing the part of the studio where glassblowing supplies were sold; walls and walls of colored glass rods and weird tools. There was a gallery at the front of the studio and shop, and that place gave me a bit of an anxiety attack. Beautiful glass objects were displayed out in the open, and we had 2 almost 4 year olds and a toddler. I glanced at one swirly pink bowl and it was TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. I told Zane not to bump into anything, because that one bowl alone was a year of college (or part of a year). I wanted Zane to have something from the adventure, so I bought a small paperweight with iridescent swirls on the bottom and a yellow starfish on top.
The downtown Seattle Public Library was a bit more relaxing. We drive by it every week on the way back from Kung Fu, and I had been promising to take Zane there. Emily and baby Kaylee hung out in the kids' area where Kaylee was finally happy, and I took Evelyn and Zane on a tour. We saw words printed on the floor by the holds shelves. We went up 4 sets of increasingly narrow yellow escalators to get to the top of the library and then looked down down down to the main floor. I had to hold the kids up to the railing to get a really good look. Then we took an elevator back to the kids' section after watching the workings of the elevator in the glass elevator shaft. After some snacks outside we were back on a bus home!

At this point I have to tell you that I was beginning to feel pretty tired of adventures. But summer is when they all happen! I guess when the weather closes in we can go back to having laid back "nothing days", as Zane calls them. We still have coming up: two nights of camping, Zane's birthday party, the Evergreen State fair with possible demolition derby or monster trucks, and I might try to squeeze in a visit to Wild Waves water park. Just listing all that makes me tired, though!
We have been making some academic progress at home, too. Grandma gave Zane a alphabet letter writing workbook, and one day I got it out for Zane when I was trying to keep him busy. I was going to help him with it, but next thing I know, he had made a big A and little a all by himself! I was pretty surprised as he hasn't done too much writing. I haven't seen a repeat of this skill, but it shows he's ready. He can write a Z and A for his name, so I think if I just worked with him he could probably write his name.
I have been doing a much better job of working with him on his bicycle skills, though! Zane has been zipping around on his balance bike for a year and a half now. For about a month or so he has also been able to ride his pedal bike without training wheels on flat or downhill sidewalks. I think he just needs a little more strength in his legs to make it easier for him. Maybe he will be getting a new, lighter bike very soon ... :)
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