Maine 2013
Well, I'd better do another blog post before all of the hoopla coming up for Zane's fourth birthday!

"After the Dinosaurs, where did people come from?"
"Where do bees poop?"
"Where did the first chicken come from?"
"Why is water cold?" [at room temperature]
"How does hair grow?"
"Why is there metal in our blood? Why do different animals have different metals in their blood?"
After a story about a bad splinter I got on a replica of the Mutiny on the Bounty we talked about the original Bounty, and then the replica sinking in Hurricane Sandy.
Which of course led to lots of discussion about how hurricanes and tornadoes form.
One night he asked me about bombs and was quite worried about them. I have no idea where this came from. We talked about them for a long time, and I convinced him he was very lucky to live in a place where he didn't have to worry about that.

In June we took a trip to Maine to see Grandma, Pa Jim and Becky, and for me to go to a cousin's wedding. Flying with Zane gets easier and easier, but I've also learned to expect no napping, ever. On the leg of our flight from Newark to Portland, we got on a very small plane called a Q400. The air conditioning was not working on the plane, so the pilots had their door cockpit open. As we boarded I glanced inside and saw the all digital display panels, and pointed out to Zane how cool it was to see inside. And then the pilot invited him in! He even let me step up! It was such an amazing experience since cockpits are generally secured in these post-9/11 days.

The next day was a bit drizzly, and we headed out to the Boothbay Harbor Aquarium. It was a small building with a really impressive array of live enormous and mutant lobsters. There was a display of lobstering equipment on the back porch, and Zane learned to band a lobster claw.

Next stop was Grandma's house. She has bunk beds just for grandsons, and we created an awesome fort in the lower level out of blankets. Zane made an airplane with a lot of steering wheels drawn onto and old box. Then he and Grandma made yummy granola one morning, and then went out to do some gardening. Grandma and I were getting ready to go to a cousin's wedding, and Zane helped us pick out toenail polish and cards. Back home the toenail polish was irresistible, so he and I both got gold toes with a cover of sparkles. He had a hard time keeping his toes still while the polish dried, so I help them still while reading him a book in the warm sunshine on the porch. It was delightful!

Next we went down into Camden to see the Megunticook River waterfall and investigate low tide. My Mom (aka Grandma) has been taking courses in being a local naturalist, and she wanted to practice her low-tide knowledge on us. We had a picnic in the Camden Amphitheater and found silk flower petals left over from my cousin's wedding the day before. The Amphitheater is a really fun place to explore and hide in. It's also a photo-op at every turn. A lovely fountain at the top of the amphitheater by the library was especially fun to dabble in.

We managed to fit in some gift shopping for Fathers Day and some ice cream by a river before heading home for a much needed nap. And then we met my friends Ann and Jon for an adventure of kayaking on Lake Megunticook! Zane got to be in Grandma's boat. We paddled around for about two hours and had a fantastic time. But is that enough? No! Ann and Jon came with Zane and I for some junk food and candlepin bowling in Rockland. The bowling alley had an arcade and a tattoo vending machine. You could not make a better paradise for Zane.

We needed to head back to the airport, but we managed a little bit more sightseeing before we left. The Rockport Marine Park had an old bell buoy to explore, lime kilns, and an old train like the ones used at the kilns. I had just read Zane a book about Andre the Seal, so we also stopped to pay our respects to his statue.

We had a bit of a long flight home, but overall it was a great trip! Traveling with Zane gets more enjoyable all the time.
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