ZXG 2009 Turbo Model
The ZXG 2009 Turbo model baby: Zane Xavier Gibson, born 2009, and if you've ever changed a diaper on a baby who has decided he's not done pooping, you know Turbo. Zane and Xavier both start with the same long A "zay" sound.
Looking back at my first few posts, I don't think I mentioned anything about how our labor went. Here's what I sent out in some e-mails:
I labored at home for 44 somewhat mild hours, and then in the hospital for 5 intense ones. I was lucky to have no major complications and I managed to do it without any drugs. Michael and my Mom were awesome helpers. I’m having a very fast recovery, and our baby already has a round head and is a champion breast feeder and sleeper. I’m very proud of all of us!
If anyone wants the gory details, just let me know and I'll e-mail you a more thorough report.
It is very easy to take photographs, and very hard to find the time to go through them and post! Here's a round up!
One day old in the hospital. Wiggly toes and unwrapping the Baby Burrito:
Two days old, belly time:
This may look like a photo of a man ecstatic to be a Dad, but really Zane has just let fly with a Turbo charge from his butt. Four days old.
Resting with Grandma Diann. Five days old.More photos are on the camera, so hopefully I'll get time to bring us up to date. Zane is 12 days old today!
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