My brother Brady is still on the Appalachian Trail! A few mishaps have befallen his friends, and they've had to drop out and rejoin, but so far Brady has remained pure and steadfast in his continuous trek. His worst mishap has been poison ivy, while others have contracted Lyme disease or sprained their ankles. My Dad and Stepmom, Becky, hiked with him in early July, so I got an update on him when I went home to Maine to visit at the end of July. He had safely passed the halfway point.
Last week I finally heard from the boy himself, and he's heading up into New England. Mt. Katahdin is almost in sight! He checked in from Wingdale, NY, which is about 1440 miles along the trail. 2/3 done!
Since it's been so long since my last Brady reporting, he's gone through several sections of the map!

I think the trail has been good for him. He started off as a squeaky clean Harvard grad who imagined having lots of time to read at camp. Instead he's found great friends, drank beer on cliffs, and generally transformed. Way to go!