Our Little Angel has been working on sitting up on his own this week. He can do what Ann Keppler from Birth & Beyond calls tripod sitting, although it really is quadpod sitting. The first day I propped him up, he wavered and fell a lot, but each day he gets better and can sit for quite a while without toppling over! Today he started trying to straighten up, but he goes a bit too far back and ends up lying down. I think he just tries to straighten his body to stand (his favorite activity), and doesn't quite end up where he planned to. He'll get it it soon! I can't wait until he can sit on his own to play with his toys.
Meanwhile, I got out the highchair again, and while he's still tiny in it, he can now use it! He sits there with me while I eat, and I give him tiny bits of flavors from what I'm eating. So far he is not impressed. I got out one of his own spoons so he can get used to the idea. I won't try to really feed him for another 5 weeks or so.
The other day we all went on a walk together, and Zane was especially cute.Going for a walk:
Friday our friend Sabina was an angel and babysat Zane for 4 hours while Michael and I went on a date for the first time since Zane was born. We went to see Avatar in 3D on the IMAX screen at Pacific Science Center, and it was amazing! A really beautiful movie. See it in 3D if you can
Hi Julia, I went to the Sound of Music sing-along on Saturday, too - the evening show. It was a blast! I recommend it, too.
I love reading about Zane, and seeing all of the pictures and videos. He is sooooo cute! Laurie
Hi Julia!
Cute video! I need to come visit y'all very soon! Any particular day/time? Sandy
Hi Zane,
I'm glad you listened to Grandma and are wearing a hat when you go out!! And so cute in your hat too!
I love you and miss you
Grandma Diann
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